Skool Rapid Growth Mentorship

For Coaches, Course Creators, and Skool Community Owners who want to create the coaching business of their dreams, enrolling clients through social media with no sales calls, so they can live the life of their dreams while changing clients’ lives


Dear Coach, Creative, or Course Creator:


If you have a gift, talent, or training inside you and you want to get it out to the world, one of the simplest places to host that training and community is in Skool.


And opening the doors to your Skool group is 5 minutes easy . . .


BUT perhaps you’ve realized by now that if you don’t create the right lessons, create the right expectation in the community, design your Skool topic and offer around the right message and Big Idea, and finally, have a predictable method of getting new paying members . . .


You’ll just have a cool . .  Skool group

But you won’t really have a BUSINESS . . .

That’s why I created the Skool Group Rapid Growth Intensive.


It’s sole purpose is to get your core Group Offer in place, and get your core social attraction process working smoothly, so you can start getting paying clients and break through the no-man’s land of not having a real, consistent coaching business.


It will show you how to quickly design your Skool group concept, organize it for growth, and finally, get the right paying members in the door fast.


I want to help you implement fast-action client engagement techniques and super charge your social presence so that new prospects are literally raising their hands to work with you and join your group.


I want to help you build a super - amazing business with an amazing lifestyle where they get to have time off, take vacations, empower their clients to have great lives, and do it without burnout.


Let’s keep it simple!


There are 2 primary things you need to focus on first:


  • Creating a powerful Group Offer that you can sell through the about page, a supplemental sales page like this, and through social media, instead of phone calls or webinars.
  • Getting the right content into the socials so that prospects are raising their hands and asking you for help, and they join your paid group as members


We’ll work on getting you consistent new paying members and clients in less than 10 weeks (and usually a lot faster), and the ability to get your first round of clients the first month



I’ll give you everything you need to make it happen, and nothing that you don’t.

More specifically when you jump into Skool Group Rapid Growth Intensive today, you’ll be immediately plugged into:

#1: Right up front you’ll receive access to an indepth and yet concise training department to give you every step to build your group offer, design your group, write your sales letter, and begin filling your group with paying clients.


This is HUGE value because this breaks open your business in a big way . . once you have that group set up right and sales materials in place, you can make sales again and again and again



Here’s how the training proceeds:


→ First off, you’ll nail your signature group offer and the sales page that sells it like clockwork


→ Secondly, we’ll dial in your social content funnel:

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Instead of simply having a site and posting random posts on social, and connecting with a few prospects, we are going to create an organized campaign that laser target selects your ideal prospects out of a crowd, then intrigues them to visit, and then join, your Skool group.


This is a very specific, predictable, and consistent process that turns cold prospects into hot clients day in and day out.


And it’s easy to do, you simply have to be willing to do each step in a very specific way, so that prospects are gently led, one step at a time, through the psychology “buy-in” process that all humans go through before they purchase.


→ Thirdly, you’ll get access to a complete set of fill in the blanks templates to easily create your content for your social campaigns, with a proven formula that gets cold prospects activated fast!


This makes it so all of your social posts and even videos are templated - easy, you simply choose the day of the month you are in and select the template for that day!

It's that easy! 

#2: Access to an amazing community of Creators, Coaches, and Group Owners like yourself to brainstorm, collaborate, and share ideas with.


Some might say this is the best part about the program, because you can get many varied ideas from different people and different perspectives.


And because everyone in the group is in the program, there aren’t any vapid “good post” comments! It’s serious work, serious support, and a great place to share ideas and even get help!


This is a powerful group of creators and clients, in fact many of the clients in this group have been my clients or followed me for 10 years or more! 


You are getting a treasure trove of access!

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#3: Weekly Deep Dive Coaching Calls with Sean


We’ll meet once a week as a small group, and each week I’ll teach you the next step, or in some cases, I might teach you the next step in the group, then use the live time to work with you personally to fine tune your process.


You will be joining an amazing group of colleagues who are at your stage and we will be working together, sequentially and systematically to build out your group offer and your social media selling system

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Here's why this is different:

When you need a mentor, and a strategist, and a support group of people who can encourage you, give you ideas, share ideas on copy etc, you don't need a coach and courses alone

Your implementation steps should be 100% simple and accessible, and not feel locked down and hidden

You aren't looking for a box of books disguised as "digital learning", you want your life to be changed with an extraordinary experience.

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Your Future should be able to come into clear vision and get results quickly and professionally

You deserve the very best mentoring and ideas, whether that's motivation, breaking through roadblocks, or copy and design ideas.

Here's what happens when we work together:

If you simply implement what I give you each week, and are willing to do a simple 5 minute daily post on social, plus comment and tag commenters on your posts, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in 10 weeks!



And the goal is that you are making sales in social within a few weeks, faster if you already have a bit of a presence


Within 1-3 weeks you are ready to start making sales


If you have an audience you can begin an instant waitlist campaign like I did here


Within just a few days, you’ll have an offer that a new prospect can buy into right away.


The thing about social media is that it builds over time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a sale even your first day!


When you are prepared, with the right story and the right copy, amazing things can happen!


When you work with me here, you’ll get organized fast, you’ll get social making you leads, and you’ll start enrolling clients! 



My Goal For You Is a Consistent Flow of New Members Starting the First Month

And then of course grow from there . . . 

How does it work?

I only want to work with people who will implement, test, and report back their results


 I’m taking people today and I’m inviting YOU to join the crew


This ain’t a course where you gotta find loads of time in your busy schedule and watch loads of theoretical training videos


I’ll give you bite-sized chunks you can implement in a few minutes each day



During our time together we hang together in a private group to talk about it and brainstorm specific additional strategies for YOUR business so you can put it into action and report on your results


I really want to create some great case studies from this so we’ll be working hard to get you spectacular results fast that you can report on



How much time do I need?

First, you’ll want to make sure you put the weekly calls on your calendar (but don’t worry if you can’t make them live, you can watch the recordings and get support in the Social Group)


Next, you’ll need to set aside 2-3 hours a week (about 30-45 minutes a day) for study and implementation


We’re going to be working closely together, but it isn’t going to be long and drawn out


Groups thrive on contribution, so when you are getting wins, you want to share them with the group so they can learn from you as well




At the risk of writing  War and Peace, I’m going to answer a few more questions I’m sure you have below . . .


What’s the investment?

If you are already delivering to clients, or even if you are starting out as a coach, it will cost you a FORTUNE if you pass on this . . .


With that said . . .  


You can get started for just $97/month


You can save $514 and prepay for 12 months for just $650


Or you can get lifetime access for $997

Choose a payment option and let's get started!

Save $514 when you take the yearly option:

Or get lifetime access for just $997:

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“Sean's teaching, live coaching and ongoing mentorship has been a life changer for me and I'll be forever grateful that I found Sean Mize.”



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Everything about Sean Mize is summed up in his signature. He is a living example of that signature and as his student you get to hear his message in stereo on every call.

Sean has a huge appetite for work and honestly shares everything he has personally learned in the trenches.

As his student, you get simple applicable systems to use with no fluff.

I honestly highly recommend Sean to you to have your life challenged and changed as he has done for me.

- Lloyd Portman


When you have paying consistent members in a group, your stress goes way down, and your lifestyle goes up!

When you have clarity in your offer and how you help people, and simply create a nice container to help them in, life is so much easier!

Imagine waking up in the morning, just knowing you already have clients, paying each month, just add more daily!

When you begin to think in MRR, you walk in wealth!

Think Big

Your success will never exceed the bigness of your thoughts and your capacity. Think small and your actions are constrained. Think big and your business - and life - can explode!

Stop losing time and efficiency on life-killers

You only have 4-6 productive hours each day.

When you fill those hours with unproductive time killers, they steal your day from you.

Stop this instantly and forever.

Explode your success to the next level and do it fast!

You deserve the success you have only been dreaming about!

The Results

Become a Community Leader in Your Niche!

When you step into the trend of the decade, the Community Movement, and your success is engineered - your business and life can simply EXPLODE!

I am creating an AMAZING coaching program + community of TOP ACHIEVERS.

Go ahead, join up! You'll be glad you did, as this program will ROCKET your success!

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Choose a payment option and let's get started!

Save $514 when you take the yearly option:

Or get lifetime access for just $997:

Your coaching and teaching shouldn't be a drain, instead you should feel optimal and loved and successful and influential . . and you can!

And when your group is built and filling with clients, you can excel in ways you never thought possible!

Go for the best!
Join me and let's go big together!

Let's do this!

Seeing is believing! Join me for 90 days. If your life isn't radically changed, get your money back!

You can radically increase your mindset, productivity, and results within days!