The Exponential Results Community and Weekly Check In for Ultimate Entrepreneurial Productivity

There's a cheat code the most productive entrepreneurs use to super charge their results fast!


Sean Mize presents:

The Exponential Results Community and Weekly Check In

Community, Courses, Support, Live Check Ins, and More!

Here's the Problem: Productivity programs focus on efficiency but lose the big results picture, but deep down inside you and I want our efficiency to get us Big Results

I've noticed how hard it is for Entrepreneurs who want support, guidance, community and accountability for their big goals, to find it.

Or they want to achieve 10 year goals in 3 years . . . and they don't have the support

Or they want to . . . anything . . and they either don't accomplish it OR

they have to follow a cookie cutter blueprint

It's not their fault - because there is no other Community on earth quite like this.

But I realized that in my OWN business, over 18 years, full time online, it is VERY HARD to find effective big picture training and community that doesn't over focus on tactics

Most, if not all, productivity programs I have tried are . . just too granular and micro.

Yet, in building my own profitable and meaningful online business for 18 years, I've seen a DEEP hunger in entrepreneurs to let the shackles go and be more effective!

So I've designed this Success Community for Entrepreneurs to CHALLENGE you to go big with Your Key Future Result AND be more effective in the short run - to buy you more free time and lifestyle freedom!

for example:

✅ Design Big Goals with fellow driven entrepreneurs

​✅ Come together at least weekly on a live zoom call   

✅ Network and JV with Entrepreneurs like you

✅ Learn Cutting Edge Success Principles from an exponential thinking mindset

 ✅ Have a truly comfortable place to check in daily and be held accountable (and help hold others accountable)




✅ I'm including over 100 hours of my traditional audience, course building, and acceleration training

✅ Designed to be a full productivity and success community! 

➡️➡️Give me 30 days and your business life will be transformed! (I'm just a guide or mentor)!


I am going to give you the MOST AMAZING container in which to blossom your business

and CHALLENGE you to walk out your faith and gifts - in your business!


Exponentially, Increase Your Results, Income, and Impact

Wealth Doesn't Happen Just Through Hard Work and Smarts, It Happens Through Exponential Thinking and Belief, then implementing in a limitless way

When you discover the exponential path to success and increase, your life changes dramatically!

Let's consider 100 fold returns . .

Exponential Legacy

Give Back to the World


Just generally FEEL GOOD about your business + your impact!!

Give me 30 days and I'll Transform Your Capacity to Implement the Great Things You Were Born to Accomplish!

Join the Community

Be a part of a great Community

When you share your struggles and goals with like-minded entrepreneurs who are going through the same things you are, you become free to go to the next level

Network, speak, and interview 

With entrepreneurs and coaches who are ready to ascend

We need networking, but our friends and family don't understand our mindset (that they often see as over-achieving and delusional)

Final Result

Exponential Increase

 Level up by thinking exponentially (10x - 100 - fold ) by the end of one month

This Community is For:

Big Thinking Entrepreneurs and Coaches Who Want to EXPLODE their results in the next 6 - 12 months and achieve an impossible 10 year Legacy Goal

Your increase exponentially follows your belief.

10x Increase in belief  = 100x Increase in Results

Your Capacity to Expand is Limited by Your Capacity to Truly Believe

It's not enough to just think something, you must be able to actually believe what you think, then immerse in it so that it becomes reality

Part 1: Immerse

Module 1: How to Achieve Any Result in Record Time

On the first day, your mind will be transformed to a higher level of belief and vision, you can never unlearn the Day 1 material:


Stop These Limiting Beliefs:

❌ Your Results are due to harder work

❌ You make more when you "give more value"

❌ You need better ideas

Instead, You'll discover:

✅ The True Formula for The Highest Level of Success (Creation Level)

✅ The Importance of Growing Capacity to Produce More

✅ How to Engineer Exponential Results

✅ The Formula for 10x - 100x Manifestation


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Module 2: How and Why People Succeed or Fail

On the second day, you will discover the reason why traditional methods of work cause failure, and what separates the truly successful:


❌ Work too hard and burnout

❌ Constantly Roadblocked and Challenged

❌ Sidetracked by Distraction and Lack of Focus


✅ Transcending Work and Entering __________

✅ The Secret to Moving Mountains (It's less work, not more)

✅ Laser Focus that is impenetrable

✅ The Master Formula for Enduring Success


Module 3: How to Implement to Achieve Any Result in Record Time

On the third day, we get into the nitty gritty of implementation:

The Keys to Rapid and Complete Implementation

✅ How to Make Sure Your Implementation is Measurable

✅ How to Make Sure Your Implemenation is Doable

✅ How to Make Sure Your Implementation is Actually Effective

✅ How to Make Sure Your Implementation Achieves the Final, Desired Result


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Module 4: Fight Battles and Remove Limitations

On the fourth day, you will discover why battles are necessary and therefore unavoidable. The secret in how to win the battles and remove your limitations


❌ Fear of Battles

❌ Battle Fatigue

❌ Any limitation


✅ How to Win Every Battle

✅ The Universal Battle Plan Mere Mortals Have No Clue About

✅ Eradicate Limitations

✅ Emerge Victorious From Every Fight


Module 5: How to Get 10x - 100x Results

On the fifth day, you'll discover the way to 10x - 100x results in ANY endeavor:

The 10x - 100x Way:

✅ Why 10x Should be the Bare Minimum in One Year

✅ The Secret to Compressing Time for 50x - 100x Results

✅ The One Year Plan to Get 10 YEARS of Results

✅ How to Become Exponential!


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Part 2: Interact

Component 1: Exponential Thinking Community United Around Business Success

True community and support with Entrepreneurs who want to exponentially increase their impact in the next decade:


Stop These Limiting Beliefs:

❌ It's harder for now than in the past

❌ You have to work harder and faster to have more impact

❌ You need to find more tactics to grow with

Instead, You'll discover:

✅ The True Formula for Multiplication - Level Results

✅ The Importance of Bigger Picture Thinking to Exponentially Increase Your Impact

✅ How to Engineer a 10x - 100x Results Business

✅ The Formula for 10x - 100x Increase in Impact and People Reached



Component 2: Weekly Live Zoom Check Ins with Other Driven Entrepreneurs

Make this a weekly occurrence . . . . come together with entrepreneurs who are fulfilling their Life Impact:

Instead of siloing :

❌ Working all by yourself at home with no support

❌ Only going to course and tactic masterminds

❌ Sidetracked by an over - focus on working harder and not enough focus on exponential activities

Exceedingly Community:

✅ Transcending Loneliness and Encouraging Each Other for Highest Results

✅ The Secret to Moving Mountains (It's less work, not more) by collaborating with other Exponential Entrepreneurs

✅ Targeted Focus that is impenetrable

✅ The Master Formula for Enduring Success and Impact!


Component 3: A Complete Library of Deep Business Training to EXCELL Your Business

I've taught business online principles for 18 years, in a rock solid, easily - implementable fashion:

Most programs are focused on a "blinders - on" approach to learning where it's "the teachers way or else"

I've done things many many ways over 18 years, and many have not worked.

Methods change.

And I've adapted when the market adapts.

Now, no compendium of training is complete or changeless, because new opportunities are constantly arising.

But this training set will help you:

✅ Determine your business and monetization model

✅ Design Your Courses, Memberships, and Stand Alone Programs

✅ Build an audience of loyal followers who WANT what you sell or teach

✅ Create a solid information business


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Component 4: Online Q and A and member sharing center

Cross-Member Q and A and helping each other


❌ Fear of the Unknown (someone else has already done it)

❌ Battle not knowing where to look for more information, or who to trust

❌ Any limitation related to the "how to-s"

Help each other:

✅ When you have advice, give it.

✅ When you need advice, get it

✅ When you need encouragement, come to the Community

✅ Emerge Victorious by bonding together with others


Component 5: (Best Part! HUGE library of faith-filled trainings straight from the Word of God to give you HUGE faith in your business!

Over the years, I've taught deeply on many Bible success topics:

You'll get access to a treasure - trove of deep Biblical training for success:

✅ The widow woman and unlimited oil and flour

✅ Joseph's acceleration

✅ How to Win Battles the Godly Way!

✅ How to Get into a HUGE stream of Godly Blessing that comes from overflow and spoiling the enemy!



Give Us a Try for 30 Days to Completely Transform Your Life

If there were a dollar value to place on this Community I truly believe this is worth $10,000 (actually MUCH MUCH more.)

Your life - and business - will be transformed when you see these principles and share ideas with other Exponential Entrepreneurs!

Business Masterminds and Cohort Groups can run $1000/month or more . . .

and don't have the exponential belief component.

The true value of this Community is actually priceless . . .

And many will join and tell me it's simply priced too low.

But I want this to be a no-nonsense no-brainer that you can lean into . . .

And want to see you EXPONENTIAL fast!

It's just $97/month cancel anytime

(Or Scroll Below for a Special Memorial Weekend Life Time Special Offer)

And if you try it for a month and aren't blown away, you pay nothing.


✅ Access to an Amazing Community

✅ Networking, interview exchanges, and speaking - tunities )

✅ Weekly Success and Productivity Meetings 

✅ Opportunities for Private Livestreams During the Week With Other Members 

And much much more!!!!

Unite Together!

Success Community for Exponential Entrepreneurs

$ 97.00/month
  • Yes, I'm In!
  • Access to Exponential Results Community and Accountability
  • Deep Training on Exponential Acceleration
  • Member Q and A and responsive helping each other
  • Huge Library of Online business trainings spanning 10+ years of deep teaching from a boots on the group perspective
  • Live Weekly Check In Zoom Calls for Connecting, Networking, and Learning
  • Huge Library of training on how to have an Exponential Business with a HUGE Legacy
Save 16% Yearly Billing

Success Community for Exponential Entrepreneurs

  • Yes, I'm In!
  • Access to Exponential Results Community and Accountability
  • Deep Training on Exponential Acceleration
  • Member Q and A and responsive helping each other
  • Huge Library of Online business trainings spanning 10+ years of deep teaching from a boots on the group perspective
  • Live Weekly Check In Zoom Calls for Connecting, Networking, and Learning
  • Huge Library of training on how to have an Exponential Business with a HUGE Legacy


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“Sean's teaching, live coaching and ongoing mentorship has been a life changer for me and I'll be forever grateful that I found Sean Mize.”



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Everything about Sean Mize is summed up in his signature. He is a living example of that signature and as his student you get to hear his message in stereo on every call.

Sean has a huge appetite for work and honestly shares everything he has personally learned in the trenches.

As his student, you get simple applicable systems to use with no fluff.

I honestly highly recommend Sean to you to have your life challenged and changed as he has done for me.

- Lloyd Portman  

You will be Transformed into a Exponential Entrepreneur through Deep Training and Challenging Live Time

Your Capacity to Believe and Therefore Succeed is 10x - 100x

Jesus said: If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

But our problem is we don't know how that works, and it's not modeled for us in the business community, nor is it even modeled in our well-meaning churches

Compress Faith to Make Money Faster To Bless More People:

  • A Week in a Day
  • A Month in a Week
  • A Year in a Month
  • Possibly a Year in a Week

The Multiplication and Exponential Results Equation

Wake UP Every Day Ready for Supernatural Results


Your mind and your faith will be transformed such that your results are explosive :

✅ Transformed thinking in your business

​✅ Get 10x - 100x Results by Thinking Bigger Then Exponentially Implementing

✅ Discover the Method for 100 - fold return

✅ Build Your Business the 99/1 Way

✅ Exponential Belief Leads to Exponential Results

You can literally use these methods to:

✅ Move mountains in your business

✅ Become exceedingly abundant

➡️➡️Give me 30 days and see your mind and your belief transformed 


Imagine exploding results in your business  . . so you can WORK LESS and GIVE MORE!

When you implement these exponential principles, you get exponential results with linear effort! 

A Whole New Kind of Business Community

This Community is very different than many you perhaps have joined.

This isn't a 1000 hours of course material and Q and A calls.

This isn't a mumbo - jumbo community filled with weird people who just want to  "sell you something"

Instead, the first day I'll introduce you to the concepts.

And I'll introduce you to the Community

Then you'll be CHALLENGED to live your dream!

And by the end of the first month . . . you are ready to tackle the world with a whole new mindset

There is a power in rubbing shoulders with truly like-minded people who are in it to grow and to be challenged

What's it worth to be able to live out a year's worth of business in a few weeks, to get a life-time of transformational business principles fast?

I've spent tens of thousands on coaching and training . . 

And I believe what I'm transferring from my mind to your mind in the Exponential Entrepreneur Community will ECLIPSE everything else I've learned or you've done! 

People like Elon Musk, Napoleon, Frederick the Great, Oprah Winfrey, and Tom Brady do NOT operate with the same limitations the other 99% operate with.

Jesus and Paul and Moses and Joseph even lived ABOVE the level of understanding of those influencers and celebrities

And they aren't just "further along on a curve" ==> They are transformationally different.

If you don't want to fundamentally and radically shift to a complete new level of success, please do not join as you CANNOT Unlearn what I will reveal to you even on the first day . . 

And by day 30 your family may not know your new mind and your deep ability and capacity to move mountains in your business.

-- Sean

Give Us a Try for 30 Days to Completely Transform Your Life

If there were a dollar value to place on this Community I truly believe this is worth $10,000 (actually MUCH MUCH more.)

Your life - and business - will be transformed when you see these principles and share ideas with other Exponential Entrepreneurs!

Business Masterminds and Cohort Groups can run $1000/month or more . . .

and don't have the exponential belief component.

The true value of this Community is actually priceless . . .

And many will join and tell me it's simply priced too low.

But I want this to be a no-nonsense no-brainer that you can lean into . . .

And want to see you EXPONENTIAL fast!

It's just $97/month cancel anytime

(Or Scroll Below for a Special Memorial Weekend Life Time Special Offer)

And if you try it for a month and aren't blown away, you pay nothing.


✅ Access to an Amazing Community

✅ Networking, interview exchanges, and speaking - tunities )

✅ Weekly Success and Productivity Meetings 

✅ Opportunities for Private Livestreams During the Week With Other Members 

And much much more!!!!

Unite Together!

Success Community for Exponential Entrepreneurs

$ 97.00/month
  • Yes, I'm In!
  • Access to Exponential Results Community and Accountability
  • Deep Training on Exponential Acceleration
  • Member Q and A and responsive helping each other
  • Huge Library of Online business trainings spanning 10+ years of deep teaching from a boots on the group perspective
  • Live Weekly Check In Zoom Calls for Connecting, Networking, and Learning
  • Huge Library of training on how to have an Exponential Business with a HUGE Legacy
Save 16% Yearly Billing

Success Community for Exponential Entrepreneurs

  • Yes, I'm In!
  • Access to Exponential Results Community and Accountability
  • Deep Training on Exponential Acceleration
  • Member Q and A and responsive helping each other
  • Huge Library of Online business trainings spanning 10+ years of deep teaching from a boots on the group perspective
  • Live Weekly Check In Zoom Calls for Connecting, Networking, and Learning
  • Huge Library of training on how to have an Exponential Business with a HUGE Legacy

Give me 30 Days and Your Capacity for Success Will Increase 10x - 100x!

This is the key!

Once your actual capacity for activating faith is increased, your actions will now operate at a 10x - 100x level, and your results will simply follow! 

These may be the most influential days in your last decade and may transform your next decade! 


Note: this page and offer are not associated with any other service or platform, including Facebook, linkedin, twitter (X), and is not associated with Facebook, meta, or instagram.

These are theoretical and thought based principles and no assumption of results is implied or guaranteed.

Building an online business is very hard and specifically requires offering strong value and making sales in a competitive world, and most entrepreneurs fail.

All Sean Mize and related training is designed to give clients an advantage based on real-world experience, but hard work, experience, and knowledge are essential for success, but do not guarantee success

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