Achieve God's Goals the Godly Way

Christians: Regain your Time, Get Laser Focused, Achieve God's Goals, and do it with more Free Time and Rest AND without burnout.

2025 Explosive Results-2

Are you struggling as a Christian Business Person?

Are you tired of trying to use secular success systems to achieve your Godly Goals?

Are you sick of trying to cobble together God's success principles with boots-on-the-ground implementation . . . 

Do you feel like you desperately want God to guide your business, but you have no idea where to start?

Is this you?

You are spending time with God and growing closer, but it's hard to translate that to daily work rhythms.

You realize that God has a success plan that worked for Moses, David, Joshua and many more . . . but somehow you aren't tapping in.

You are tired of spinning your wheels, trying to balance .your spiritual life and your business world - you simply want to know God's plan for radical success and results.


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Sean Mize, Author, Anyone Can Coach

Introducing: Bible Based Success

I believe God has a solid success plan woven through the Word, and He has principles and laws, which when applied to your business, produce exponential results.

Instead of chasing worldly success systems that may or may not get you success (nor promise you are in line with God on everyone one of them, you can sequentially implement God's success system PLUS proven productivity methods that help you stay focused on God while exponentially growing your business:


My story:

Hi, My name is Sean Mize.

Over the last 18 years, God has blessed me with a full time internet business with a faith-based training call for Christians, as a side project.

Through the years, He has shown me, step by step, how we can combine His success principles and high-octane productivity principles to have a high level of Christian Focus, Productivity, Results, and Success.

Boiling it down to something duplicatable and shareable:

  1. True Relationship and Communication with God
  2. A clear plan/place/purpose/goal
  3. Clear the Clutter and Deadwood: Pruning, Cleaning House, Razing the Past
  4. Be intentional about filling the time/space/projects
  5. Laser Focus on the #1 Goal/Metric/Mover:
    80/20/priorities/any other system that works for you
  6. Reflection/evaluation/reminders/accountability
  7. Celebrate and Thank God!


This method works on ANY time frame: 10 year, 5 year, 1 year, quarterly, monthly, weekly, even daily.


It very intentionally combines deep Christian connection with God and cutting edge success principles that work extremely well.


I've personally used these techniques for years, they are battle - tested and loved by my clients, and finally, I've combined them all in one amazing training program that sequentially gives you step by step implementation tactics to become more productive, focused, and successful.

Benefits of a Building a Business God's Way

You know deep inside that you want to follow God 100% in your life and your business.


You also know that secular business principles - when applied in the right situations - work.


The problem: Most of the time Christian Goal Setting and Biblical principles are taught from a theoretical perspective, so even though you may leave a church service or motivational talk inspired to "Go Get'Em For God!", when the rubber meets the road on Monday, you are lost and confused as to where to start.


And if you simply implement secular success principles without Godly guidance, you feel like you are "doing it on your own."


The has been a deep struggle of mine for years, and one in which God has blessed me with deep knowledge and understanding about, through intense study of His Word and Success principles from the Bible, combined with intense implementation of secular success principles, and a relentless desire to combine the two in a godly way.


In this program, I reveal and teach a deep level of integration between the two, and I believe God has inspired and directed this work and program so that you can more easily combine His guidance with extreme success principles.


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Here's what you'll find inside:

Module 1:

Getting Started:

Relationship/Communication With God

  • The Importance of Growing Close to God
  • Spending Time with Him such that you are part of His purpose
  • Listening for His Guidance
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Module 2:

Clarity and the Call:

A Clear Plan/Place/Purpose/Goal

  • In order to achieve a goal, you have to know the destination
  • Get clarity on your mission
  • Know the Plan and Direction
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Module 3:

Clear the Clutter:

Eliminate the Deadwood to Free Mental Space

  • Clear the Clutter and Deadwood
  • Pruning
  • Cleaning House
  • Razing the Past
  • Make room for the future
  • Make room for success
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Module 4:

Be intentional:

Design Your Year and Day:

  • Be intentional about filling your time/space/projects
  • Learn how to plan your year and days for maximum success
  • Carefully guard your time and attention
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Module 5:

Extreme Focus:

Laser Focus on the #1 Goal/Metric/Mover

  • Importance of Laser Focus
  • Learn how to Get the most out of each day
  • Learn to use methods that work for you:
    • 80/20
    • Priority Management
    • Any other system that works for you
  • Achieve Great things FAST
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Module 6:

Rhythmic Evaluation:

Evaluate and Be Accountable for Results:

  • Reflection
  • Evaluation
  • Reminders
  • Accountability
  • These moves keep your laser focus on track and ensure you are achieving God's goals
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Module 7:

Celebrate God's Results:

Give God the Credit:

  • Celebration is critical
  • Give God credit
  • Memorialize the progress
  • Get the Rest you need
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Here's the Curriculum:


The Heart to Grow Big:


  • God is a big God and thinks BIG - Gen 1:1-3
  • You are created in His image - Gen 1:27
  • Limitation: 
    • Time and Scope
    • Be content with His plan
  • Enlarge my tents Is. 54:2
  • 100x return in one year Gen 26:12
  • Planted by the river Ps 1:3


Relationship with the King/Creator:


  • Hearing God - preparing your heart and mind Samuel
  • Trusting God to lead you correctly Ps. 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding 
  • Must be tuned to listen to Him I Kings 19:11 → Elijah, Moses, Joshua


Godly success principles:


  • God gives you the power to get wealth - Deut 8:18
  • Sowing and Reaping Gen 6:7: You reap what you sow
  • Vision - Hab: 2:2 write it down and make it clear
  • Planning
  • Giving
  • Hard Work
  • Get wise counsel - learn from others
  • The more you give, the more you get back
  • Get into favor - favor isn’t fair


Cutting Edge Business Principles:


  • Clarity
  • The One Thing
  • Knowing the state of your time
  • Empty your life of wasted work time - social and reactive (email/texting)
  • 80/20 to the 5th power
  • 3 month cycles of using 80/20
  • Cut your work time in ½ and double your productivity each year
  • Relentlessly optimize for what’s important - the ceiling for happiness and satisfaction constantly changing.
  • Humans are highly adaptive - the 9 month habituation principle
  • Do you want constant growth? Really?
  • Cyclical Growth may be better
  • Balance work and family and God and everything else
  • Hard to optimize them all at one time, but once each becomes more of a habit, you can leave it for awhile and work on something else.
  • Constantly having something new to push to the next level.
  • God doesn’t want for you to go stale (Caleb when he was 80) (Moses when he was 80; learned to delegate and then pass on the torch to Joshua)
  • Are YOU passing on the torch?

Tentative Mastermind Plan:

7 Deep Modules of Training to Transform your Spiritual Life with Your Business as a Focus:

  • Lay a Foundation of Integrity and Closeness
  • Deepen with 10x Optimization Techniques
  • This is real-life boots-on-the-ground from an 18 year veteran of Internet Marketing

2x Month Deep Christian Success-Based Trainings:

  • Business Concepts you can apply to your business that are consistent with your faith
  • A Christ-forward focus of relationship FIRST then business
  • Stay focused on Him!

Connect with Other Christian Business People:

  • Community
  • Sharing Board (so you can list the work you do; why not support each other/Christians when you need work done in your business?)
  • How can you contribute?

Grow Closer to Christ as you grow in your Business Purpose:

  • I believe God is calling up a new corps of Christian business people who will influence the economy
  • We can do this all by our lonesomes . . or we can it together.
  • I believe God is calling me to UnderGird Christians in their Business Effort and you get to be a part

Our Kickoff Meeting is Wednesday Oct 9th at 12 noon ET!

This will be TRANSFORMATIONAL for those who attend, I promise!

-- Sean Mize

Here's what you get:

✅ ONE FULL YEAR of coaching PLUS 2 months FREE! ($2000)

✅ Never before taught cutting edge 10x businesss principles ($2000)

✅ A Spiritual Base for Your Business for Peace, Calm and Anti-Burnout ($2000)


✅ My Personal Productivity Secrets (This is CUTTING EDGE!!)

Total Value: $8000

Get the Early-Bird Pricing here:

Here's why this Mastermind changes things for you:

I truly believe this is the #1 most efficient and direct training program or course God's Goal System combined with Cutting Edge Secular Success Principles, on earth.

You’ll get fast results: it’s 27 short, easy lessons that equal about 4 hours of actual training, with very specific “to-do” action steps so you can grow FAST.

Achieving goals can actually be easy + simple, but one real key is to learn and implement the 20% that makes the MOST impact, instead of 5xing your time involvement by doing and learning everything.

Build the chassis and the foundation first, start by connecting with God for your purpose, THEN focus on growth and breadth.

Church is GREAT for teaching you God's Word, but it’s rare to be able to get this level of depth about God's success principles, from the pulpit.

And I also believe (obviously subjectively so) that the compilation of the top success tactics I've used for years is one of the best in the world (thanks be to God!).


2025 Explosive Results-2

What would this mean for your life and business?

What would it mean for your business to have God's principles at work in it, day in, day out, and across the entire spectrum of it?

What will it mean for you to have multiple cutting edge success techniques under one hood, instead of continuing to get ideas from books or other courses?

What difference would it make in your business if it was Led by God at the front, and had cutting edge success implementation (guided by Him) ont the backend?

How would it feel to know that your business isn't just "blessed by God," but instead it's "Guided by God?"



I'll take this moment to get personal.

It's HARD to write a single source of truth (alright, a salesletter) that adequately expresses the power of what this course contains.

So I'll get personal.

For 18 years I have had a full time internet business (no small feat itself!) and have striven for God to guide my every step.

I've failed many times, but hopefully learned lesson after lesson after lesson.

He has radically pushed me to rely on Him and to use cutting edge productivity techniques so that I could get bigger and better results WITHOUT burning out.

This course is the most concise yet complete derivation of the Godly and Secular Business truths God has revealed to me over the last 18 years.

My dream would be that it cuts the learning curve for you not 90% but 99% so that you are able to get what it's taken me thousands of hours to learn, in just a handful of lessons.

So that you can drink from wells of productivity and Godly success that have already been dug, instead of you having to dig them on your own.

It's hard to put a price or a value on that realization.

But I KNOW that if you study and implement, your life will be changed forever!



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“Sean's teaching, live coaching and ongoing mentorship has been a life changer for me and I'll be forever grateful that I found Sean Mize.”



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Everything about Sean Mize is summed up in his signature. He is a living example of that signature and as his student you get to hear his message in stereo on every call.

Sean has a huge appetite for work and honestly shares everything he has personally learned in the trenches.

As his student, you get simple applicable systems to use with no fluff.

I honestly highly recommend Sean to you to have your life challenged and changed as he has done for me.

- Lloyd Portman