Exceedingly.io: A Place Where Christian Authors, Coaches, and Pastors Come to Grow in Christ, Grow in Faith, and Grow Their Business

"Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power He worketh in us . . ."


We help Christian Authors, Coaches, and Teachers:

✅ Grow closer to Christ through sequential implementation of faith disciplines and relationship with Him

​✅ Discover the Faith Principles in the Bible to Increase Your Business Growth   

✅ Network and JV with Christian Entrepreneurs like you

✅ Learn Cutting Edge Success Principles from a Christian Perspective

✅ Get experienced, mature, Christian advice on growing your course or teaching business

Community, Courses, Support and More!

3 Ways I Can Help Christian Authors, Coaches, and Teachers:

Christian Business Growth Strategy for Course, Coaching, or Training Businesses

If you have courses, coaching, or Biblical training, I can help you strategize the right combinations, price points, and content to grow your business and spiritual footprint


Deep, Intensive Spiritual Growth and Deepening of Relationship and Trust with Jesus Christ

It's one thing to get the Christian training you need in an atmosphere of family and church, but then sometimes it's hard to translate that to the business. If that's the case for you, you'll likely be refreshed by the approach God has given me for bringing His life into our businesses!

Faith Based Principles for Business Growth

Jesus gave us incredible power to do things with our faith, but if we don't know what's possible, or when we can use faith, we generally don't use it. God has shown me many faith - based principles that are powerful, and I share those here.


Sean Mize: Deep Christian Life Experience Combined with Decades of Business Success, Maturity, and Experience:


Over the course of the last 18 years, God has blessed me, guided me, and sometimes watched me do things on my own 🙂

I've been blessed to sell over $5 million, start multiple communities, become the #1 article marketer in the world in 2008 - 2010 by volume, and effectively use sales pages, sales conversations, webinars, and google docs to market and do it well.

However, God has shown me that He wants me to specifically share Christian principles, both personally (relationship and communication with God) and business (Faith, Christian Strategy, and High Level Business strategy).

So although I don't actively teaching marketing, messaging, sales, etc., my background makes it easy to offer ideas and strategy when you are working through Christian Business issues.

My dream is to help Christian entrepreneurs become much more effective than anyone else out there.

God's Kingdom economics rewards His people so we might as well be highly favored and specifically step into that and act like we are favored.

But sometimes we must get the worldly success principles out of our mind and heart.

I hope that in partaking of the training made available through site, or any interaction you and I have, that you can not only grow in your faith in Christ, but also grow your business more spectacularly with these Christian insights, than without.!

-- Sean Mize



Exponentially, Increase Your Results, Income, and Impact

Wealth Doesn't Happen Just Through Hard Work and Smarts, It Happens Through Exponential Thinking and Belief that Comes From God First, then implementing in a limitless way

When you discover the exponential path to success and increase, your life changes dramatically!

Let's consider 100 fold returns . .

Exponential Legacy

Give Back to the World


Just generally FEEL GOOD about your business + your impact!!

Give me 30 days and I'll Transform Your Capacity to Implement the Great Things You Were Born to Accomplish!

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“Sean's teaching, live coaching and ongoing mentorship has been a life changer for me and I'll be forever grateful that I found Sean Mize.”



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Everything about Sean Mize is summed up in his signature. He is a living example of that signature and as his student you get to hear his message in stereo on every call.

Sean has a huge appetite for work and honestly shares everything he has personally learned in the trenches.

As his student, you get simple applicable systems to use with no fluff.

I honestly highly recommend Sean to you to have your life challenged and changed as he has done for me.

- Lloyd Portman  

You will be Transformed into a Exponential Entrepreneur through Deep Training and Challenging Live Time

Your Capacity to Believe and Therefore Succeed is 10x - 100x

Jesus said: If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

But our problem is we don't know how that works, and it's not modeled for us in the business community, nor is it even modeled in our well-meaning churches

Compress Faith to Make Money Faster To Bless More People:

  • A Week in a Day
  • A Month in a Week
  • A Year in a Month
  • Possibly a Year in a Week

The Multiplication and Exponential Results Equation

Wake UP Every Day Ready for Supernatural Results
